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ECSII Age Distribution
ECSII Gender Distribution
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DLA-20 Age Distribution
DLA-20 Gender Distribution
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Welcome to the PACT/MACT data portal
Please be sure to read the instructions when downloading the monthly contact log template. We will continue to build out the 'Scorecard' feature as additional data is collected via the new contact log. Thank you.
Download PACT/MACT Monthly Contact Log
Please download the approved monthly contact log using the button below. This will pre-populate client data for all clients/programs that have not been discharged. If no data has been uploaded to date, a blank contact log will be provided.
Create PACT Scorecard
Please select a reporting team/year/month combination, and press the 'build scorecard' button to view the scorecard
We will continue to develop the 'Scorecard' feature as we collect additional data using the new contact log template
Submit PACT/MACT Data and Forms
Welcome to the PACT/MACT Employee Roster Management
Staffing Roster
Waiver Requests
Requested/Approved Waivers
Denied/Expired Waivers
Welcome to the PACT/MACT Employee Roster Management (ADMIN VIEW)
Staffing Rosters
Waiver Requests
Requested Waivers
Approved Waivers
Expired/Denied Waivers
File Management - Interactive Chart